Crisis Management - Twenty Pages you just have to read from the Professor and his team
In 2010 the BP oil crisis resulted in a Public Relations disaster and the resignation of Tony Hayward the CEO. For all the planning and scenario modelling for which BP had become famous, the organization appeared ill prepared for a crisis, particularly a crisis compunded by the challenge of social media. In this guide, Professor Tom Witter outlines the seventeen key step guide to crisis management in the age of social media.

1 Plan your crisis and practice the drill.
Remember the mantra is SMOOOTH.
Social Media, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Open, Truthful, Honest.
2 Establish the Chain of Command
Be very clear on the chain of command and the hierarchy of command in all situations.
Define the limits to authority, decision parameters, floors and ceilings.
A crisis can occur any time. Make sure those who need to know, are always contactable and the chain of command is established.
Ensure, access hot lines, emails and mobile phone numbers are in the system.
Who’s in control? Make ready the batch of email addresses
for instant mail out to everyone in the crisis group.
Remember the mantra is SMOOOTH.
Social Media, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Open, Truthful, Honest.
2 Establish the Chain of Command
Be very clear on the chain of command and the hierarchy of command in all situations.
Define the limits to authority, decision parameters, floors and ceilings.
A crisis can occur any time. Make sure those who need to know, are always contactable and the chain of command is established.
Ensure, access hot lines, emails and mobile phone numbers are in the system.
Who’s in control? Make ready the batch of email addresses
for instant mail out to everyone in the crisis group.

the_professors_guide_to_crisis_management.pdf |
Twenty pages of free advice you just have to read, from the professor and his team.