![]() The secrets of great headlines - seven basic tips to write great headlines for your blog, e-mails, articles and much more. 1 The Teasers – who? why? what? when? where? Who writes the best headlines to always get attention? Why great headlines never fail to get attention What / Which headlines make the news When headlines always catch the eye. Where to find the best advice on writing a headline. Where are all the customers yachts? Keywords : Who, why, what, when, where 2 The teacher – how? How to make sure you write a really good headline? How to be an expert headline writer? How you can you avoid the big mistakes in writing a headline? How to win friends and influence people with great headlines? Keywords : How? 3 The Fear close – avoid mistakes and basic errors The Five biggest mistakes you can make when writing a headline. Seven deadly sins to avoid when drafting your headlines. Keywords : Mistakes, errors, sins, blunders, 4 The Lists addict – everyone loves a list Six great tips for writing a great headline. Three basic elements of the greatest headlines. Keywords : Numbered lists? 5 The Reveal Inner secrets of the top headline writers. What they don’t tell you about writing great headlines? Discover the secrets of great headline writers. Keywords : reveal, mystery, secrets, discover,? 6 Personalise – bring out the You in You The things you should know about writing a great headline? What they don’t tell you about writing great headlines? Keywords : You 7 The Promise of wealth fame and fortune Killer headlines that boost your sales and profits Killer headlines to grab attention and ensure your audience reads on. Keywords : wealth, fortune, sales, profits, success, authority, guarantee? Plus the bonus offer – Tips to develop better content. Use words that sell – great, huge, amazing, new, exciting, fast, speedy, best, boost, guarantee, proven, proof, simple, easy, solve, satisfaction, performance, success, best. In our next post we will publish the bigger list of “strong words for better content”.
![]() Keywords from the Apple Keynote presentation, October 2012. Tim Cook and Phil Schiller blend in a wordle™ of the words that sell. Cook favors fantastic, Schiller is amazing and great. Use of cool, cools. Tim Cook Absolutely Amazing, Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Astounding Beautiful Best Best Best Best Cool Cool Cool Coolest Excited Excitement Excitement Exciting Exciting Exquisite Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic Gigantic Gorgeous Gorgeous Great Great Great Great Great Huge Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredibly Incredibly Incredibly Latest Phenomenal Phenomenal Powerhouse Remarkable Rewarding Stunning Stunning, Super fast, Super fast, Thrilled Thrilled Tremendous Unbelievable Unbelievable Unbelievable Phil Schiller Absolutely Absolutely Absolutely Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Amazing Astounding Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Best Best Cool Cool, Coolest Excited Excited Excited Excited Exciting Exciting Exquisite Fantastic FantasticFantastic Fantastic Gigantic Gigantic Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Huge Huge Huge Huge Huge Huge Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredible Incredibly Incredibly Latest Latest Phenomenal Powerhouse Remarkable Remarkable Remarkable Stunning Stunning Stunning Unbelievable ![]() Got a presentation to make, or interested in what makes for a great presentation, check out the Corporate Strategist guide to “Words that sell” and “Secrets of a Great Presentation”, the impact can be huge. Presence Have Presence – It helps if you have presence, that unknown “je ne sais quoi”, the weight of personality, a kind of “charisma” always best if you like people, are empathetic and have “sympa”. The impact will be great. Comfortable Be comfortable – You have to be at ease, it relaxes the audience, avoiding a sense of foreboding in the room, the belief that something is going wrong is best easily avoided if you have presence are comfortable and appear to be in control. It is best to be cool. Preparation Prepare – Preparation and rehearsal is the key to a relaxed and comfortable presentation. Know your subject, be familiar with your material and ensure any technical issues have been ironed out. A smooth performance can be remarkable and stunning. Confident Be confident, that is “appear” confident, hold the stage, take time before opening the presentation, make sure you look left and right to all sections of the audience. Use the pause for effect and purpose. Don’t cling to the podium, be prepared to walk the stage. Enthusiastic Be enthusiastic, use the “words that sell” and weave them into your presentation. Huge, amazing, astounding, remarkable, results will ensue if you can sweep the audience along with your powerful vocabulary. Excitement is contagious. Passionate Be passionate, if you are talking about a new product or service, be passionate in the delivery. It is the only way to carry a crowd. Communicate Avoid jargon, make everything as simple as possible, don’t just talk about the product, explain what it does or what it is for, demonstrate the benefits and the bonuses. Explain clearly. Authentic Be Authentic – No one likes a fraud and the audience will soon detect a fraud, someone dishonest or uncomfortable with the subject, best to speak about something you know about and in which you strongly believe. Close with a bang Leave with an impact, that way the audience will know the show is over but more importantly, you will leave them with something to remember. Something, incredible, amazing, huge, beautiful, remarkable, fantastic, stunning, tremendous, ….. In a sales pitch? Don’t forget the magic of three, Step 1 : Show them they have a need, You have to show your audience or your client group, why they need you, your company and your product. Use statistics, stories or analogies to make your point and satisfy your audience, they will have the incentive to use you, your company or your product or services. Step 2 : Show them you can meet that need. Demonstrate how the problems identified can be overcome using your products or services. Step 3 : Show them you can meet that need, now This is where, visualization helps : The Apple guys are great, the iPad mini as thin as a pencil, the MacBook that fits inside the envelope. Build to the finale and close. |